Some of us started as kids and have stayed in the sport ever since. What often seems to happen with this group is that they often are forced to take a break due to lack of time during major life events such as starting university or work. Alternatively they may have to relocate to an area which lacks sufficient resources for figure skating such as Tunisia or Borneo. Inevitably though, the minute they are back within reasonable distance of an arena, like migratory birds, they find their way back home to the ice.
Some of us start as adults with either no or little childhood skating experience. This group is a truly inspirational bunch. There is a comfort level with the ice that those of us who started young have and tend to take for granted. For example, we have learned how to take a fall and most of the time feel pretty solid on our feet when doing basic elements. Not so the adult beginner who can take nothing for granted. The minute they step on the ice, they have stepped right out of their comfort zone, things like stopping and changing direction are not necessarily things they have control over. Falls can be especially rough. When you are little; you fall from a smaller distance, weigh less and don't hit the ice as hard. As an adult the inverse is true. Sooner or later you will probably run afoul of your toe picks and do a belly flop. This is nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to skaters at every level. In Canada we have a TV series called Battle of the Blades in which retired pro hockey players learn to skate as pairs or dance skaters with elite figure skaters. The hockey players certainly know how to skate but they also are tripping over the picks until they get used to them.
For safety reasons a helmet is highly recommended, so now you look like an over grown 5 year-old and even more awkward.
But victory is truly sweet the first time you come to a full and complete stop exactly where you wanted to stop or you nail that pesky left outside three turn. What's more, your adult training buddies will be cheering you on with the same enthusiasm reserved for a world champion landing some mega-impossible jump combo! What's even crazier is that you will start to dream bigger... mowhawks, waltz jumps, one foot spins... there is a whole world of elements out there for you to conquer! But for now how about a celebratory hot chocolate at the local coffee shop?
There is another group of adult skaters that are also truly impressive, the ones that start to skate because their kids started to skate. They have to go through all the rites of passage mentioned above as well as living with their smug offspring who invariably are progressing at a faster rate. It certainly helps them to understand the sport much better and they are often still skating long after their child has moved on to other activities.
Then there are those who do it all... learn to skate as a child, compete, coach, get married, have kids of their own. Their children and sometimes even spouse may even have joined them on the ice.
No matter what our skating experience is we are all joined by our completely irrational love and passion for our sport. Adult competitions are characterized by a strange mix of fierce competitiveness and deep camaraderie on and off the ice
If you are participating in figure skating at any level... recreational, competitive or even would like to figure skate and want to know more come and join us at International Adult Figure Skating. There is a new blog entry every Tuesday as well as interesting videos and links to products and services of interest to adult figure skaters. Check out my special $1 offer on how to prepare for a skating competition.
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